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Location Marshall, Minnesota

The Action Trackchair is patented for its design and functionality, with features unmatched on any other tracked or all-terrain wheelchair. The electric tilt mechanism allows the user to easily stay level in their Trackchair while traversing hills and uneven terrain.

Swing-up arms, adjustable footrests, accessory receivers surrounding the chair, 5 models, 14 sizes, dozens of color combinations, and many more options allow the customer to create a Trackchair that meets their needs.

Action Trachchair can be fitted with any one of two types of tracks:
The Type I track causes more of a bouncy ride on flat surfaces, like concrete. However, their design (with the knobs in the center) allows for more durability in slippery or sticky types of terrain (like red clay mud or wet snow).

The Type II track is a smooth ride, with very little bouncing or jarring feeling on concrete. However, the grooves can more easily fill up with wet snow or red clay mud and decrease traction. All other types of terrain are just as easily accessed, like sand, ice, dirt, gravel, etc.
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